in sharepoint designer how to and where i change task process title [%Current Task: Title%]
i added a approval process in my workflow
Technology Tips and News
in sharepoint designer how to and where i change task process title [%Current Task: Title%]
i added a approval process in my workflow
Hi Adil,
Could you please be more specific on your requirement? Which task process title you want to change?
If you would like to Change the Default Task Title of a Task Generated by Workflow. Please understand there is no direct way to perform it. However, we can add a step to change the title before the task is assigned as workaround:http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/fa0b2500-3cbb-4932-945d-7b8a84ff9b1d/how-to-change-approve-task-title?forum=sharepointgeneralprevious
If you would like to change the mail alert title, you could modify the alerttemplates.xml file: http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/b1c1d9ca-7090-4fa0-973f-eb9351f8e37c/change-task-title-in-the-workflow-task-list?forum=sharepointcustomizationlegacy
Hope it helps.